Sunday, November 8, 2009

Reflection on Oral Presentation

I want to take this opportunity here to applaud the team members of J.A.V for their hard work and effort. The whole team definitely put in lots of effort to pull everything off. I must say it was no easy feat to complete all these.

We spent quite a bit of time settling on the theme and look of our presentation, hoping to make it look as professional as possible. I must say I was really pleased with how the whole presentation slides turned out. There was a major revamp on the slides layout and we did lots of editing to all of our slides too. The slides I thought were informative together with the speeches we delivered. Neither too wordy nor lacking in information.

However, if I could do it all over again, I would have spoken louder and calmed myself down during the presentation to better deliver what I had to. When I knew at the 18th minute that I was only left with two minutes to finish up whatever I had to say, I panicked and definitely cut short my intended speech. And that also made me sound rather panicky I felt. I definitely could have calmed myself down and presented myself in a more confident manner. The volume was not to my advantage too. I guess it was because I was too nervous and hence spoke in a slightly lower volume. I truly regret that and if I had a chance, I would certainly spoke louder.

As for the non verbals, all I could say is I knew I had no eye contact, or minimal eye contact with the audience. As I was too nervous, I blanked out quite a few times during the presentation, making me had to look at my cue cards constantly. A good presenter ought to have good eye contact with the audience, and I failed terribly at that. It all boiled down to the nervousness and I’m sure I would do an even better job if I had prepared myself to the max beforehand.

This oral presentation was absolutely nerve wrecking and had me worrying over it for quite some time. But, I’m glad it’s all over now.


  1. Hi Audrey,

    It must have been quite stressful for you to know that you are left with too little time. I guess that might be one of the factors that affected your presentation. I would probably felt the same way too, although looking back now, I feel it is quite unrealistic for anyone to make changes to their speech at the last minute.

    Nevertheless, I believe that you are someone that can do presentation effectively, as evidenced in your last peer teaching.

    Ji Shen

  2. Hi Audrey,

    Indeed it was nerve-wrecking, my hands were trembling at some point for no reason (hope you guys did not notice). Anyway, presentation is over at last. You did well too. Spoke clearly and loudly. But i just want to comment something you may not notice is your non verbal cues particularly your hand gestures. At one point, you were rubbing your nose and frequently tugging your hair behind your ears. I guessed its nervousness to blame. Probably, next time you could be more aware about these things and try not to do it.

    Good job there!


  3. Ji Shen: Hey hey, thanks for the comment. Ya I think the thoughtof knowing you're left with only a few minutes to finish up your presentation can really affect the overall performance. I too think that I did much better during my peer teaching even though I prepared even lesser for that. I guess the atmosphere and the targeted audience do play an important role.

  4. Hey Audrey!

    Congrats on finishing this :)
    I know this presentation has been a nerve-wrecking one for all of us. I felt super nervous too, so not to worry okays, cause we all feel the same. However, having seen you do presentation before, I know you can do better than what you have deliver that day, but still you manage to put your point across. I think with more practice you will be even better!
    Good luck! :D



  5. Hey Andrew, thanks for your comment. I'm surprised that you actually think I spoke loud enough on that day. And I'm really shocked to know that I actually did all the non verbal cues that you mentioned. It totally did not occur to me at all. I dont even remember doing that at this point of time. But thank you for pointing that out to me. I will make sure I keep that in mind in future.

    PS: I did notice that your hands were trembling when you presented. :DD

  6. Hey Yong Shen, thank you for the comment. I do agree that I would have done better if I had more practice. But I'm sure that applies to all of us in the class. After all, practice makes perfect isn't it? :)

  7. Hi Audrey,

    I think you delivered a pretty decent presentation, given the time constraint. I’m sure improvising the speech wasn’t easy, and it’s perhaps the greatest challenge that the last speaker of every group must be prepared for.

    As you’ve pointed out, most of your glitches may be attributed to nervousness, which can be overcome with enough practice. Alternatively, you could try the simple breathing exercise that Ms Lim brought us through. I tried it before I had to make a presentation before the congregation at church, and it really did help to regulate my heart rate.

    Please give yourself a pat on the back for your delivery.

    Bing Fu

  8. Dear Audrey,

    Were you panic when you were being told that there were only few minutes left? How come I could not sense that? I thought you did a very good job in rounding up the whole presentation without pausing too much and yet still can finish at the given time! That is really very outstanding I would say!

    Personally I think your speech was just as great as it was, just that maybe can have more body gestures and eye contact on the audiences? Of course this can be further improved as time goes by. No worries!

    I thought you were pretty cool especially the rounding up part....cheers!

  9. Hey Audrey,

    I did not get any very obvious panic vibes from you at all ^^ Nice improvisation and smoothly segued despite the time constraints cutting down what you can say. To me, your eye contact was there. You might feel you have blanked out but that's alright, the art of looking but not seeing the audience is a good one to possess!

    You did a good job, don't doubt that.


  10. Hi Audrey,

    Allow to first apologise for missing out on your presentation. However, I did hear some feedback and coments from the rest. I guess this is perhaps the first time anyone in the class attempts to present ot the class. Nervousness, little eye contact and poor time management are defintiely mistakes that everyone makes. Nonetheles, like what Yongshen said, practise makes perfect.

    Finally the presentation is over. From the comments by everyone, it is no doubt that you have already tried your best. No regrets yeah.

    As I was reading your post, another interesting question came ot my mind. Seems that when we look back at things, we always can identify the mistakes that we ave made. However, why is it that we are not able to identify and make corrections so that we prevent committing the mistakes?

    This experience will certainly come in handy some day. Let's all strive towards perfection yeah.


  11. Hey Bing Fu,

    Thanks for the comment. I was quite stressed out as I was the last speaker. And especially so when you presented such an excellent presentation, rounding up your team's OP. I really think you did a great job and I kind of set myself an expectation that I had to achieve after your presentation.

    The breathing technique does work?? Haha I will make sure I try that out in future should I have any more presentations :)

  12. Hey TS, thanks for the comment! I'm surprised that you actually did not see me panic when I was informed that I had only 2 minutes left. I thought it was written all over my face!

    I think you are being a tad too nice by saying I did an outstanding job. Haha, but I have to thank you for that. Your comment brought a smile to my face. Thank you! :)

  13. Hey Priscilla, thanks for the very nice comment that you posted! I am surprised that you actually felt that I had sufficient eye contact with the audience because if I remembered correctly, I was looking at my cue cards almost all the time! But I do appreciate your comment. I certainly hope there will be one day where I need no cue cards and can comfortably speak with good eye contact. :)

  14. Hey Alan,

    Thanks for the comment. Yes, I do agree that we really do need a lot of practice before we can perfect something. I am certain that I could have done better with more practice.

    With regards to your question, I think that it is in human's nature that we only identify and not make corrections. Or we only pin point others' mistakes and not notice our mistakes. I think that is something we can improve on. :)
