Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It's time for Goodbye

How time flies. I can't believe 13 weeks have passed, and this module is coming to an end soon.

I've heard alot about this module from my peers before deciding to take it. Reviews had been pretty good and I must say they were all right. I have indeed learnt alot in this 13 weeks which will prove useful for the rest of my life. I believe I would never have learnt as much if I did not take up ES2007.

I can now proudly say that I've prepared for and taught a class on business letters, do up my very own professional cover letter and resume, draft up a proposal and present an idea to an audience of higher authority. All these have truly prepared and equipped me with the necessary skills I need for stepping into the workforce.

The peer teaching gave me the opportunity to come up with creative ways to make a class interesting and it was really useful since I might consider going into teaching.

I never knew that cover letter and resume writing required such professionalism and I indeed learnt quite a deal from these lessons. The writing of the cover letter made me thought through my strengths and weaknesses and it was really beneficial since I am graduating soon and will soon need to write my own cover letter and resume to apply for my very first permanent job.

The interview also gave me an opportunity to experience how it is like to be in an actual interview scenario for I've never been to one before. The proposal writing and oral presentation were definitely the most memorable ones as my group mates and I spent lots of time on it. I now know what is important in a proposal and also importance of the 7Cs as well as non verbal cues.

Class was always interesting with the different comments made every now and then. I think my classmates came from different walks of life and it was indeed fun to see everyone share experiences every now and then. It had been quite a while since I've been to a class where everyone in class knows each other. It just goes to show we did interact during ES classes unlike the normal tutorials where everyone just sits through the tutorial without any interaction. I would definitely miss the classes.

I would here by want to take this opportunity to thank Miss Lim for her guidance along the way. And also wish my dearest classmates good luck for exams. It had been great knowing you all. :)


  1. Dear Audrey,

    Unlike you, I only heard from e-mails sent to me every semester and decided to take this module. haha, no one wants to take it with me >.< When all my friends knew I am taking ES2007S, they said, "Waa.. you take English ah? For what wor~"

    Your peer teaching is very creative, I must say! In fact, it motivates me to set higher expectation for myself when doing the peer teaching. It was my second day in class, and in my previous class, we are required to do a 10-minute peer teaching due to small class size. The standard raised abruptly coming to this new class.

    This is the first class that I got to know everyone. And it was quite good contrary to what I expected. I enjoy the interaction with everyone else during class, though I didn't really get to interact much with everyone lolz =,="

    It's nice knowing you as well~ Jiayou for exams! (:


  2. Hey Jason!

    Haha thanks for your comment. I would assume that you are probably someone who wouldnt consider taking an English module given the comment that your friends gave. So I think it was great that you actually stepped out and bidded for ES (given that my assumption is right).

    I'm glad that you enjoyed the peer teaching that was planned by Valencia and I. I never thought that it would actually motivate any of my classmates to set it as a standard they should achieve.

    I do hope everyone enjoyed the interactions in class as much as you and I did. :))

    Jia you for your exams too!

  3. Hi Aurdrey,

    I have a similar feelings as you. I'm glad we picked this module despite heavy workload and working through the night to finish up our various assignment. Certainly, the peer teaching was an unforgetable experience. And i certainly do enjoyed the interaction we all had in class.

    All the best for your finals!

  4. Hey missypow!

    It was great getting to know you. It is probably the first time I met someone who actually wanted to be a 'zookeeper', or something along that lines. Class has certainly been more fun with you around!

    Have fun with the exams!


  5. Hey Pow,

    I'd just really wanna thank you for being such a participative classmate and a wonderful project mate! It was nice of you to allow me into the group despite you and Valencia being kinda like the best of friends already (:

    Throughout the entire course of the module, one thing that deeply impressed me was your work rate and sincerity at it. I guess that's self-explanatory, some things are better left that way.

    All in all, all the best to you and whatever the future may bring, be it whether your graduation is this (acad) year or next. I'm sure I'll see you around! And by the way, the zoo job really suits you perfectly (:

    take care,

  6. Hey mate,

    Before I forget, thanks for being such a caring person both to animals and kids. I still remembered those Garanguni sessions organised by Science club in which you would carry bags of soft toys donated by the residents back to school so that they canbe transported to Cambodia or sth.

    Carry on the passion and the spirit of volunteerism. Certainly hope that you wil be able to make it and become a zoologist in time to come, wor~.

    As for Jason, I still remembered when you first join us for this module, you loked blur and quite lost. However, as time goes by, you started mingling around much more. Nice having you guys around.

    Classes and tutorials would definitely be different once again. No more ES2007 module, class interaction and NUS wiki to lok forward to already. Sigh.

  7. Hey YS,

    Haha, yes it was definitely a pretty fun module in overall. I'm sure none of us regretted taking this, I hope. Haha. I think the interaction during the classes was the most crucial one in making this module such an enjoyable one. I definitely hope I can take up another of such module next semester. All the best for your exams!

  8. Hey Aaron,

    Im glad Im able to make an impression by having the ambition of a zookeeper. HAHA. It was great knowing you. Oh by the way, do you know that we actually kind of knew each other way before when you were a freshman in SOW? ;)

  9. Hey JJ,

    Thank you so much for the compliment. I really appreciate it. You had been a wonderful team member too. I truly hope that we will stay in touch even after this module. :)

    And i think you really will pass any interviews that you go for in future. :)

  10. Hey mate (ALAN),

    I am surprised that you still remember me being the one who brought soft toys during OCC in year 1. Haha. I am sure you are also someone with lots of compassion. I can feel the vibes. :) Continue being such a fun person and all the best!

  11. Heya Audrey ^^

    lol, I found out about this module because (blur person that I am) I missed quite a bit of the first ever bidding rounds and ES was one of the remaining few that caught my attention. And THEN the non-examinable part snared me and I was sold. At least, until I realised there's good reason why there are no exams xD

    Yeps, like you said, this class has been full of interesting people and full of interaction. It makes for many memorable lessons! The other modules practically have teachers teaching to a bunch of zombies. (Me incl.)

    Now, all the best for your finals ;)


  12. Hey Missypow!

    Haha... I still say I'm very memorable ;p

