Sunday, August 30, 2009

What Conflicts Can Lead To

Interpersonal conflicts are so common in our lives that we will never need to fear the lack of them to “hype up” our lives. Since they are such a common sight, we need to know how to resolve them effectively.

If we were to fight and battle to resolve every single conflict we have, we would be battered before we even reach adulthood.

I’ve been involved in countless of conflicts with people around me, but this particular conflict left a rather deep impression in me.

This incident happened while I was in JC and it was between me and an "ex-good friend" whom I shall name Ellen. I belonged to a clique of 5 with 4 other friends (inclusive of Ellen) and I shall name the 3 other friends Fion, Gina and Helen.

The problem with having a clique of odd number is that one will always be left out because the others will always be in pairs. Say for eg, taking a bus and going for lab sessions. So needless to say, I was the one who often got left out. To add on, E, F, G and H were considered high-profiled in school. So obviously being the low profiled one, I often felt left out while I was with them.

So the incident happened when Ellen who was attached then, had a crush on this guy from another class, whom had a thing going on for Ellen too. Not wanting the guy to lose interest in her, she decided that it was best not to say anything about her boyfriend then, and that included not letting him know that she was attached.

On that fateful day, I was chatting with a dance mate over some random stuff and chanced upon the topic on Ellen and the guy. I had a slip of tongue and leaked out Ellen's status. It was only then did I realise I had just done something "dreadful". I instantly "begged" my friend to not breathe a word out because that guy happened to be her friend as well.

Feeling guilty, I confessed to Ellen later that night about the incident and apologised profusely. She got angry even though I had apologised and assured her that my dance mate would not breathe a word out. She hung up on me and refused to talk to me. I didn’t join the clique the next day in school because I knew I would be out casted. Fion, Gina and Helen did not make any effort to get me to join them. I know things would be different if it was either F, G or H who spilled the beans. They're after all the high profiled ones in school.

So that's all our friendship was worth.

I did not bother to confront her because I knew there was no use. I made no attempts to salvage the friendship either because I knew she did not cherish the friendship we had. It may be my fault on my end, but I did not feel that there wasn’t a need to go to the extremes.

However, I did question myself about whether I made the right choice by confessing to her. If I had just pretended that nothing happened, would we still be friends now? On the other hand, if something as trivial as this can break up the friendship, would some other event break up the friendship if not for the former?

And to end off, here’s an interesting quote. “You cannot say you've lost a friend. If a friendship is capable of ending, it is because it never existed." How true is this?


  1. Hi audrey!

    Firstly, thanks for sharing this story with us. I'm sure alot of us have such experience before. For me, i do have my clique back in JC and secondary school time. And conflict is bound to happen from time to time. Somehow. in a big group, whoever got the support from more people is "right", while the minority is always deem as "wrong" though fact may show the opposite.
    Anyway, i dont think you did the wrong thing by confessing to her. I guess, u are in fact being nice by telling her yourself rather than waiting for her to find out from a thrid party when the things leak out. I feel that you are being honest but since she took it in such a negative way and decide to not be friend with you, i guess such friendship is also not something you really want. Also, ever wondered, if you are friends with them now, when you met with some troubles or problems, will there be there to help you and lend you support?

  2. Hi Yong Shen,

    Thank you for your comment. It's comforting to know that what I did was not wrong. I have to say I was initially pretty upset that I had to be booted out from the clique because of that trivial matter, but later decided that a friend like that isnt worth it at all.

    Actually, I am still friends with the other 4 except for "Ellen". One of them, Fion, is the closer one who I still contact now. She did try to get me to join them back that time but made no effort to talk to Ellen about the incident. I believe that Fion would actually help me and lend me support whenever I need it, but I wouldnt say the same for the rest of them. :)


  3. Hi audrey,

    thanks for sharing your story. You must have felt really terrible when you said something you should not have said. But i felt you did the right thing, because its the truth and you did not say it to hurt your friend. In addition, your friend is in the wrong for not revealing that she was attached just so she can get closer to the guy she like. Anyway this story somehow reminded me of the movie "mean girls". It seems that the more popular girl can do whatever she likes and befriend anyone she thinks its worthwhile.

    i think in friendship it takes both parties to make it work. There is no point if one party is willing to talk and the other party isn't. Maybe the time isn't right yet or she's just a friend who has make a mark in your life and life just carry on. i hope you will not face such situations again and i am glad that at least you are still in contact with the rest of them. i am sure you have made better friends since and your friendships with them are doing well!

    thanks for sharing.


  4. Hey Ms Pow,

    First off, I agree with Yong Shen that you did the right thing in confessing to her your mistake. Of course doing the right thing does not always lead to desireable outcomes. As in your case it led to a broken friendship.

    This is an example of a barrier to communication. Emotions. More often than not we let our emotions cloud our judgement. I believe that when Ellen hung up the phone she did it out of anger. And perhaps rightly so (you did spill the beans after all.) It might have been a trivial matter to you, but it could have been a matter or life and death to her.

    I tend to agree with your quote, but yet at the same time I have to add a qualifier. That no friendships should ever end. I'd like to leave with a thought, are there any friendships that are not worth having? (In your case, why do you say that Ellen is not a friend worth having?)

    Sorry to play the devils advocate here, but it's my thought process. :) I hope we are still friends. =P


  5. hey audrey!

    thanks for sharing something as personal as this. It must have been very hard on you for something that unfortunate to happen and to be outcasted from your clique, even more so given the cliquish nature of jc.

    mistakes and misunderstandings arise all the time, its often how we deal with them that makes the difference. In this case, in my humble opinion, i think you did your part by admitting to your mistake and attempting to make up for it, and i would say that the rest of it isn't within your control anymore. it takes a considerable amount of courage to do so, i must say.

    i am also sorry to hear that things turned out that way. nevertheless, given your cheerful and gregarious nature, i'm sure finding more true friends isn't going to be a problem for you.


  6. To Aaron,

    Hmm.. I will have to rebut your sentence where you said that the matter could have been a matter of life or death to her. Well, I certainly wont said that Im in no wrong to have disclosed her little secret, but I feel abit unjust that you said that the matter could have been really important to her, because if we were to say it in a really unpleasant manner, by hiding the truth, she was in a way "betraying" her bf isnt it? Since letting others know that she's attached will actually be a matter of life and death.

    And well, I feel that along the course of your life, you will certainly meet people whom you wished that you had not known. Probably not to that extent, but if a friend is to betray you, backstab you or even do things to hurt you, would you still consider that particular friend a worthy one?

    To me, I feel that Ellen had never cherished nor wanted our friendship. That's why I would say that she probably wasnt worth it.

  7. to andrew,

    thank you so much for your comment. It was really comforting haha. Well, I do agree that the scene kinda sounded similar to that of "mean girls".

    Well, I've put the past behind me and I've gotten to know a really great bunch of friends in NUS. And Im really thankful for friends like them. I think its really important for one to have true friends. I hope you have your "share" of true friends too. =)

  8. to jia jie,

    yes, it really took me some time to finally decide to tell ellen about the incident. it totally wasnt easy at all. i guess that everything that happened was probably meant to be. like you said, things werent within our control anymore.

    finding true friends really isnt easy. but im glad i've found mine in NUS. I hope you have too. =)
